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Ceramic Eggs


These beautiful hand-painted ceramic eggs would adorn any Easter tree.

Put them in an egg cup and use instead on place name cards for your table.

Or even just in a basket as a centre piece.


These hand-painted ceramic eggs come in a variety of colours.

They are decorated with a hand-painted Folk Art daisy.

The eggs can be used as a hanging decoration or take the hanger out and use in a bowl or basket.

They even make great place names at a dinner table

The eggs measure 4.5 x 6 cm



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Jacbnimble Crafts

My name is Jackie & I run Jacbnimble Crafts.

I learnt to paint folk art approx 6 years ago, and reignited my crochet skills about 7 years ago.

Amalgamating these 2 loves, I created JBN as I  affectionately, call Jacbnimble Crafts, in order to make beautiful gifts for you and your loved ones.

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